The contact page and create blog are using ajax now.
Here's how I did it:
-Created Contact Model with Name, Email and Message
-Created a controller with two actions Index for the initial view and send(note HttpPost annotation) as follows:
public ActionResult Index()
Contact cc = new Contact();
return View(cc);
public bool Send(Contact c)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
WebMail.SmtpServer = "smtp server";
WebMail.UserName = "account Used To Send the email";
WebMail.Password = "password";
WebMail.Send("myAddress", ""
+ c.Name, c.Message, c.Email, "myCCAddress");
return true;
throw new Exception("Invalid Email");
//return View(c);
-Created Index view page with HTML5 input types
-Here's the fun part. On the view page, I am posting the contents with matching parameters.
MVC finds the matching model(Very cool stuff). It is called model binding and,routing as shown here takes care of it from there.
jQuery is as follows:
$('#btnsend').click(function () {if ($("#sendForm").validate().form()) { var contact = { Name: $('#Name').val(), Email: $('#Email').val(), Message: $('#Message').val() }; $.post('/Contact/Send', contact, function () { UserMessage("<h2>The message
is sent. Thank you!");
}).error(function () {
UserMessage("<h2>The message sending failed. : (</h2>");
else {
function UserMessage(msg) {
$('#cSet').fadeOut(1000, "", function () {
$('#success').delay(1000).fadeIn(1000, "", function () {
One gotcha here is the bug in the version of jQuery validator plugin. Anything below 1.9.0 has a bug. It just doesnt validate the HTML5 input types properly. I spent a lot of time on this. I thought I was doing something wrong.
Try to use my contact page to see the demo.
Hope this helps! :)