Yogiraj Aradhye

A collection of 42 posts

Installing Windows 8 on a MacBook

Installing Windows 8 on a MacBook

After dealing with continuous hardware and drivers issues on Lenovo IdeaPad y560 ( for more than 2 years!), I decided to sell it off and get a MacBook pro. After all, Apple just makes good hardware and provides very good support…

Clean way to create CSV from MVC application

I am working on a cool reporting MVC app using Highcharts and Datatable.net. The app has export feature. Users may want to get an extract of the data in some form that they can use. There are multiple ways…

Programming books suggestions

To become a good programmer, one must code a lot. There is no alternative to that. However, listening to experts on podcasts, watching them code on websites like tekpub, reading blogs and most importantly reading books can add a purpose…

Git for Source Control

I have worked with SVN and VSS for source control. Both are centralized source control system. Git is distributed. It has several advantages over centralized ones. Just to mention a few: 1. Branching is very easy,cheap and fast. This…

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