In part 1 of our microservices readiness series [] , we looked at how we determine if microservices is actually the right route for you. Once you’ve identified an actual need, ruled out alternative options as insufficient,…
A collection of 12 posts
Are you ready for microservices? Pt 1: Need, alternatives, and ability

As a development team, our goal is to deliver software that solves business problems. The business’ goal is to provide value to the customers as quickly as possible. “Monolith to microservices” is not a business goal. Business stakeholders don'…
Is Kafka or RabbitMQ the right messaging tool for you?
In a previous post [] on microservices integration patterns, we talked briefly about messaging. Messaging comes with many options and patterns, and one of the most critical decisions you’ll make is choosing between message brokers. RabbitMQ…
How integration patterns impact your microservices architecture
When the world wide web first emerged, integrating different types of operating systems was a core challenge. Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) created communication channels by sharing hypertext, these systems started speaking a common language over an accepted protocol, and the…
Principles for microservices integration
Out of the many advantages of microservices, the most significant motivations are scale and autonomy for business units. These go hand in hand. However, we still need to create an integrated experience that makes sense for the end user. It’…